Dan Minko

Dan Minko



About Coach

What started as a curiosity turned into a lifelong passion. In college, I volunteered for the Special Olympics in Maryland with very little experience in the special needs world. I immediately fell in love with the population and chose to become a special education teacher. During my 10-year career as a high school special education teacher, I saw a need for my students to get exercise and socialization after school. I combined my love for fitness and the special needs population into a fiery passion that motivates me to give everything I've got to see my athletes practice healthy habits, get fit, and socialize in a safe and loving setting.

Turning Point

When I realized there were no sports and fitness programs available for this population.

Motivation & Passion

I am impassioned to serve the special needs population because they are grossly under served. My hope is that Spectrum Sports can teach them healthy habits, exercise in a fun setting, and social opportunities. These three ingredients make for a more fun and fulfilling life.